9th International Meeting of Saxophonists

June 27 – July 4, 2005

The 9th International Meeting of Saxophonists is once again bringing together internationally acknowledged musicians, tutors and promising saxophone pupils. It will make an undoubtedly refreshing contribution to the summer events in Nova Gorica and its environs. Together with our co-organizer, the Nova Gorica Music School, we are preparing a meeting which has, apart from the Saxophone Summer School and Competition, always offered a variegated range of concerts. The participation of internationally recognized tutors, and pupils, above all from Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Austria, has already assured the Saxophone Days a noted place in Slovene musical life and won them recognition outside Slovenia as well.

  • Summer School
  • Competition
  • Festival

  • Results

    Registration form for the summer school (PDF)
    Registration form for the competition (PDF)

    KULTURNI DOM Nova Gorica
    Bevkov trg 4
    SI – 5000 Nova Gorica

    Contact person:
    Sabina Volk
    T +386 5 33 540 13
    F +386 5 33 540 20
    E pr@kulturnidom-ng.si

    Organizing committee:
    Pavla Jarc
    Matjaž Drevenšek
    Vlasta Vižintin
    Božica Ambrožič
    Stojan Ristovski
    Tatjana Gregorič
    Sabina Volk

    Organised by:
    Kulturni Dom Nova Gorica
    Glasbena Šola Nova Gorica

    Scenes from the 8th International Meeting of Saxophonists, 2004

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